Dear Wisconsin

It’s probably pretty obvious what I’m going to say, writing to you today, but I need to say it, and you need to hear it.

I’m leaving you.

It would be fair to say that I was always going to leave you, but that’s not true, is it?  There was a while there where you were acting like somewhere I’d be willing to make my home permanently, and I accepted that from you.  Ours was an arranged marriage from the start – I left Chicago to come here not because I wanted you, but because I was broke and in debt and needed the job only you were willing to offer me – but it could have grown into a love match.  We could have been partners and allies and lovers into my gray years.  I’m hugely allergic to you, and you’re just about the only place I seem to have allergies, but I was willing to overlook that to have what you were offering.

You know what I’m talking about.  You did it on purpose, a lure designed to soften me to your charms and offerings.  You got me invested.  You got me interested and involved.  You made promises.  And then you were too ham-fisted, fumblingly incompetent to deliver on them.  You were weak.  Your were pathetic.  You were embarrassing.  That is a seven point spread I will hold against you forever.

Make no mistake – I am angry with you.  I have been angry with you for two years.  I am going to be angry with you for a long, long time.  I worked hard for you and you betrayed me.    You have some serious, deep, self-loathing issues and I am beyond caring about what that does to you because first, I’ve got to deal with the fallout of what it did to me.  I am finished with you.  I’m out of here.

Two years is a long time to wait.  You could call me petty, or unforgiving for holding onto it this long without doing something before.  That’d be fair.  I shouldn’t have trusted you, shouldn’t have stopped clearing my exits just because it looked like we might have a permanent thing going.  I shouldn’t have gotten so invested that even now, two years later, I can barely have a civil conversation about what went on between us.  That’s on me.  I’ll accept that.  But the right solution is the same.

I don’t care what you do in your next election.  Go hang yourself.  I’ll be making my way out to Seattle.  Washington has its own set of problems and issues, but we’ll be starting on better terms, and at the very least I won’t be compromising on my basic infrastructure preferences and my ability to breathe for three quarters of the year.

I’d wish you the best going forward, but I really don’t care as long as you’re not my problem any more.

A Bounty-ful Birthday

Today is my birthday.  I’ve been in a bad mood for a couple weeks, and have decided that for my birthday, I will give myself the means to cure it.  That’s what this is.

I am, as of this moment, putting a bounty on Scott Walker’s governorship.  Anybody who can demonstrate that they are the proximal cause of Scott Walker resigning as governor of Wisconsin will receive a bounty of not less than $1,000.  That’s what I’m putting into the pot, though if other people are willing to contribute, I will organize it and post the updated totals.

If you offer Scott Walker a job that is so good, he resigns to take it, I will give you $1,000.

If you dig up a scandal so egregious that Scott Walker resigns in shame, I will give you $1,000 (and mad props, because I can’t imagine what would actually shame him into resigning)

If you do something illegal that causes Scott Walker to resign, I will first consult a lawyer, then if I’m told it won’t get me sent to jail, I will give you $1,000.

I am not soliciting anything illegal.  If your plot for getting Walker to resign requires illegal action and you go through with it, that is up to you and done on your own responsibility.

I’m also willing to pay out the bounty in goods of equal value if, for some reason, you’d prefer that.

This is not a joke.  I am dead serious.  If you want to help, or have an idea, contact me.  This is plan B, and I’m ready to work just as hard on it as I did on plan A.

Fuck democracy.

Election Day

In case you missed the memo, today is election day in Wisconsin.  If you’re going to vote for Barrett, go vote!

Yesterday I had a great deal of fun while killing myself with too much canvassing.  During my first turf, I met a lady who claimed she’s a life-long Democrat voting for Walker.  She was horrified by the senators fleeing the state, and thinks the Recall is a waste of time and money, etc.  “I’m a life-long not-Democrat who called my Senator to thank him for leaving, and am so horrified by what the Republicans are doing I’m on your porch and would like to argue with you.  Do you mind?”  She did not mind.  It was awesome.  No minds were changed, but I knew there had to be somebody like her out there in the world, and I got to be the one to find her.

Honestly, I’ve been getting so much awesome sent my way in the last ten days, I’m terrified we’re about to lose big just for cosmic balance.  Yeah, my superstitious tendencies are weirdly paranoid.

On my third turf out yesterday (lesson learned: two turf limit!), I made a woman cry by agreeing with her.  I have no idea whether she was a Barrett supporter or a Walker supporter, though given the targeting of the list I was working probably the former.  She was one of the last doors I hit, and apparently I was the last of the four groups out canvassing to reach her.  She’d also been called several times, and has apparently been watching TV and listening to the radio.  In short, she was very stressed and well past her tolerance for being campaigned at.  I just let her go, venting about how everything has divided the state, how fortunately she still gets along with her neighbors but that’s not the case for many other people, how of course everybody is going to vote and they made up their minds months ago so could we all just go home and stop wasting our time and bothering people?  I did a lot of nodding and making sympathetic noises, and by the time she was done she was crying.  If I were a nicer person, I’d have offered her a hug.  It didn’t even occur to me she might want one until I’d walked away.

Here’s the thing; her facts were wrong, but her sentiments were right.  It’s not a waste of time to canvass, because people are crap at actually going and voting, and this election is going to be all about turnout.  The state was deeply divided before the Recall efforts started, it was just easier for people to ignore.  I mentioned all of that to her, and she nodded and kept going because at this point, for her, the technicalities of the situation don’t matter anymore.  She’s had this huge, ginormous, high-stakes thing thrown at her all out of sync with how it’s supposed to work, and she’s in for five more months of this for the presidential election after today.  It’s overwhelming, and hostile, and unfair and the only way for her to escape it is to cut off her media access to the outside world, and to stop answering her phone and door.

This in a state with a reputation for frustrating pollsters because people don’t talk politics, even to strangers for science.

This election is absurd on so many levels, I have trouble communicating it.  Part of that, for me, is my confusion that locking the capital and violating the open meetings laws not only aren’t such an outrage that those alone are enough to guarantee a successful election, but that I seem to be the only person still talking about them.  It’s really hard for me to disagree with people arguing that the recall is just a bunch of sore losers out for retribution when their campaign looks exactly like that.  But this recall isn’t about rehashing 2010, at least not for me.  The Democrats stayed home, and they got what they deserved.  Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and show up next time, end of story.  I’m okay with that story.

What I’m not okay with is a government which has rules about how it goes about being the government, and doesn’t follow them.  The Republicans saying, “Hey, we’ve got both houses of the legislature and the Governor’s office, we’re doing what we like and you’re going to suck it up,” makes them assholes, but that’s what you get for letting them win.  It’s the Republicans saying, “We have the majorities, so now we’re above the rules,” where the line gets drawn.  This recall is about saying, hey, we’re not anarchists for a reason.  The Game is badly designed, rigged, and full of idiots and jerks and people who don’t play with the same win conditions, but there are rules to the Game, and if they aren’t going to be followed, then I may as well turn anarchist.

I think, in a way, that’s what overwhelmed my crying lady.  Everything is falling apart, nobody is actually talking about it, and she can’t cope.  Losing today means that over a year ago, Scott Walker dissolved the government of Wisconsin, and got away with it.  Winning today means, not that the government got saved, because nobody’s running on saving the government, but that Scott Walker dissolved the government of Wisconsin, and got slapped for it.  Whether we’re still facing anarchy is a whole other question.

I really should have offered that lady a hug.

One Big Day

Tomorrow is kinda a big deal – election day.  I’ve been repeating a lot of themes over the last week, so I’ll put them all here to keep people from having to ask the same questions again and again.

First, all celebrating I do tomorrow and, really, up through Friday, is going to be because oen way or another, this is over.  On Friday, I may be willing to celebrate victory or cope with defeat, but given past electoral history in Wisconsin, and the fact that absentee ballots, of which there are a lot, don’t have to be received until Friday, I’m going to go ahead and assume nothing is certain before then.  I’d advise you to do the same.

Secondly, ignore all the polls and the doom, gloom and dismay people seem to be having in response to them.  All of the ones with sound methodology are within the margin of error, all the ones without wind up that way when corrected.  This election is going to come down to turn out, plain and simple.  We wouldn’t be in this situation if the Democrats hadn’t stayed home in 2010, so hopefully they’ve learned their lesson.  If GOTV is as organized in the rest of the state as it is in Madison, I’m pretty confident we’ll do well.  The ground game is, for once, well run.  We can thank the Obama campaign for that.  Walker doesn’t have a ground game, as far as I can tell, just tons of money.

Thirdly, even for people who aren’t in Wisconsin, this election should be fascinating to you.  You’d be hard pressed to find a better experiment for testing the actual efficacy of money in politics.  The Republicans have dramatically more money than the Democrats in this fight; the Democrats have dramatically more volunteer and organizational support.  If the Republicans win, everybody upset by the Citizens United ruling has a much better case for their position than I have, up to this point, felt they have.  If the Democrats win, I’ll probably actually sit down and write that blog post about money in politics that’s been stewing in the back of my head for a while.  (In other words, I’m waiting to make sure I’m right before telling other people to quit whining.  Being wrong on the internet is for other people)

Finally, if you are an eligible voter in Wisconsin, I strongly urge you to go vote tomorrow, if you haven’t already, and to vote for Barrett.  If you aren’t going to vote for Barrett, I strongly urge you to instead avoid the lines and stay home.  Watch a movie or something.  Of course everybody should have their say in government, but just now, there are certain says I’m not interested in hearing.  I’m sure you understand.

Recall Primary Voting Today

If you’re an eligible Wisconsin voter, today is the last day for voting in the Recall primaries.  There are roughly four candidates you can vote for to help get rid of the guy who took away my train, went about being evil badly, then trapped me in a building with people who are not nerds for a week.  I can’t let that kind of behavior slide, and neither should you.

He’s also driven a few industries out of the state, is under investigation for major ethics violations, and signed really egregious anti-women’s-health legislation, if you’d like more common reasons for being upset.

Protect the world from boring mis-management: Get rid of Walker.  Today.  By voting.


(I voted for Art about ten days ago.  This is encouraged, but not required.)

Canvassing Stories

“Hi.  My name is Anaea and I’m a volunteer with the Madison Southwest…”

“Don’t want any!”

I mildly enjoy canvassing.  The weather’s been nice, and it’s a good excuse to go walking through neighborhoods, house by house, and see what different segments of the neighborhoods look like.  You can tell when you’re on a street full of rental properties versus young couples versus older people nearing or in retirement.  The rental properties feel shabby even when they aren’t, and the older people have immaculate yards full of gorgeous bulbs.  My Realtor brain goes nuts for studying neighborhoods at this level.  I learn more in an hour than I do on dozens of property tours.

“We’re a community organization going around our local district in preparation for the upcoming gubernatorial election.”

“You’re wasting your time.”

Last summer, when I was spending about 20 hours a week just on phone banking, my brain was threatening to dribble out my ears.  One evening, I’d been home about ten minutes and was hanging out downstairs to keep from stalking Sylvie while she finished up cooking dinner, a college kid showed up at the door, canvassing for some progressive charity something something.  He clearly had a long spiel that was going to end in asking for time and money, and since it was getting late, I didn’t want him to waste time at our door when the neighbors might well actually help him.  “We’re exhausted and over-committed to causes already.  Good luck, but we can’t help you,” I said.  He stalked off, snarling, “Be that way!”

“I’ve just got three quick questions for you.  First, are you registered to vote?”

If you’ve not seen me irate in person before, you’ll have trouble picturing how quickly that kid pissed me off.  “Wait one minute,” brain-dribbly, exhausted me said.  “That is not okay. Now you’ve irritated me and you ought to be making friends.”  He protested that I’d been rude by not at least letting him spend the five minutes talking at me.  It’s possible that would have been more decorous, but it it wouldn’t have been kinder.  I was more zombie than human at that point, and when I’m home my roommates consider me the official house representative to strangers at the door.  Also, Sylvie was cooking dinner, and I wasn’t letting her out of the kitchen until it was done.

“Good.  Do you have a current, valid photo I.D. you can take with you to your polling place?”

I probably spent six minutes arguing with the kid about three minutes arguing with the kid about which one of us had been rude before I pointed out that it didn’t matter whether I’d been rude.  He’d knocked on my door, asked for my time, and planned to ask me for a favor.  I had no obligations to him, but he had obligations to his organization, to his cause, and to me for bringing them to me.  He was entitled to squat, and if he couldn’t accept that from somebody suffering activism-induced brain-deadery, he had little hope of accomplishing anything.  He stomped away.  He probably called me a bitch, but was at least smart enough to do it quietly that time.

“Do you mind telling me which way, Republican or Democrat, you’re likely to vote in the upcoming gubernatorial election?”

“That’s none of your business.”

It doesn’t bother me when people slam their door in my face, or tell me to fuck off, or want to know exactly who I am and exactly which group I’m with and precisely whose side I’m on before they’ll talk to me.  I’ve just interrupted them during dinner, or while they’re mowing the lawn, or were otherwise going about their business.  I’d tell me to fuck off if I caught myself at the wrong time.  I really don’t understand the people who are bothered by it.  You’ve got three hours and 60 doors to hit.  Everybody who slams the door is somebody you finished with quickly, and who we don’t have to go back to.  That’s way better than somebody who isn’t home.  Besides, they’re absolutely right: It isn’t any of my business.

“Do you mind telling which way…you’re likely to vote…”

“Oh, we’re a teacher household.  We’re getting rid of Walker.  And I always make my kids vote, and they’ll be getting rid of him too.  Are my kids on your list?”

The group I working with is affiliated with the Obama campaign and getting a lot of their resources from there, but all of the work they’re doing now is for the recall and they understand that once they switch over to campaigning for Obama, I’m gone.  They seem confused about why somebody willing to spend as much time working on the recall as I am won’t touch Obama, but they roll with it.  What I like is that since they’re a bit ad hoc, they don’t give out the horrifically bad scripts phone banks are always full of.  They just want the answers to their questions.  They expect you to ask about which way people are voting first, but I never do.  That’s starting by asking for a favor when you could start by offering a service.  Because “Are you registered to vote,” can be followed by, “Oh, here’s the information on how to get registered.  Once open registration is back, we’ll send somebody to do that for you, if you like.”  “Do you have an I.D.?” can be followed with information about the requirements of the new Voter I.D. law, in case the injunction doesn’t hold up.

“Democrat, of course.  You’re not out for Walker, are you?”

Canvassing is a really great way to observe how different segments of society interact with the rest of society, too.  Several times now I’ve realized that I’m asking for a young son as opposed to a husband because the woman at the door is mom-aged, black, and very concerned about why I’m there with a clipboard asking after her son.  And you can see the moment she believes you that you’re just asking about voter registration, because she relaxes and becomes one of the friendliest people you’ll talk to that day.  I have a sneaking suspicion those houses get skipped a lot.  Or, at least, skipped by benign people.

“I’m not sure.  I usually lean Republican, but if the Democrat’s a good one, I might have to vote for them.”

“Have you considered Arthur Kohl-Riggs for the primary?”

The best part of canvassing, though, is when I have an excuse to go off script 🙂

My Official Wisconsin Primary Endorsement

This is a harder decision than you might think.  There are four candidates running in the primary for the Democrats.  None of them inspire me.  Worse, at this point, all but one of them have managed to annoy me, or have others annoy me on their behalf.  (Note to campaign organizers everywhere: I gave my email address to those lists because I want to recall Walker, not because I want six emails a day asking for five dollars)

I was getting crabby about the decision, especially since so many people look scandalized when I tell them I don’t bleeding care which of the Democrats win; I’m anti-Walker, not pro-Dem.  My decision was going to come down to staring hard at polling data and then holding my nose.  We all know how much I love doing that.  Then something brilliant happened – a candidate who inspires my enthusiasm.

This is me announcing that I’m officially backing Arthur Kohl-Riggs in the primaries.  I’ll go so far as to announce that if he wins the primary, I’ll break my temporary ban on voting for anybody on the Republican ticket and vote for him in the general election, too.  I like his campaign.  I like his policies.  “Less of a joke than Scott Walker,” is going to be my favorite campaign slogan forever.

Seriously, this is a personal wet dream of politics.  I get to do the right thing by voting for a Republican, and still feel evil for doing it.  Do you believe in doing the right thing?  Art for Gov.  Do you want to be evil? Art for Gov.

Do you want to recall Walker?

Art for Gov.

Guys, let’s win this thing a month early.  Art for Gov.

Note to anybody looking for more substantive data in the endorsement: I know this guy.  He was there the week I spent in the capitol.  He’s sensible, thoughtful, working with good people on his campaign, and practical enough that if he does become Governor, he will not screw it up.  If you want more information, let me know and I will make sure you get it.

As Best I Can Recall

Last week the Wisconsin state assembly passed a measure that’s the first step toward amending the state constitution for recalls.  I don’t think anybody has to think very hard to figure out my opinion of the effort.  If you do here it is: It’s a dumb, petty, pointless effort put forth by cravens and cowards.  Buy me something tasty and I’ll tell you how I really feel.

Since last week was just a hair on the unreasonable side of busy, I saved the article to blog about it but didn’t get around to it.  This far behind the ball I’d normally just let it go.  Except.

Under current law, no grounds are needed to seek a recall.

This line, or one very like it, is cropping up in all the reporting about it, and it’s driving me nuts.  It’s one of those technically true things that come up in order to lie.  True, the current constitution doesn’t say anything about what constitutes valid grounds for a recall.  What it does say is this:

SECTION 12. [Recall of elective officers.] The qualified electors of the state of any congressional, judicial or legislative district or of a county may petition for the recall of any incumbent elective officer after the first year of the term for which the incumbent was elected, by filing a petition with the filing officer with whom the nomination petition to the office in the primary is filed, demanding the recall of the incumbent.

(1) The recall petition shall be signed by electors equalling at least twenty-five percent of the vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding election, in the state, county or district which the incumbent represents.
(6) After one such petition and recall election, no further recall petition shall be filed against the same officer during the term for which he was elected. (7) This section shall be self-executing and mandatory. Laws may beenacted to facilitate its operation but no law shall be enacted to hamper, restrict or impair the right of recall.

Bolding and underlining mine, because this is where the technical truth, rhetorical lie dynamic comes into play.  There is nothing there about criminality, incompetence, ethics violations, insulting grandma, or whatever else somebody might consider valid grounds for a recall.  What it does have are two rather important restrictions on how a recall can be done and what it takes for it to be successful.  And these restrictions accomplish the function of specifying what constitutes grounds for a recall far more effectively than actually enumerating the valid critera.

Let’s take a look at the first bit I bolded, the part about having to wait a year to file a recall. This means several things.  The first is that nobody is likely to ever file a recall petition against a member of the Assembly.  They only have two year terms, so at best you get somebody out a few months early.  It’s not worth it.

The second is that you can’t immediately turn around and redo the election if a lot of people are suddenly unhappy when the results come out.  Say a third party split the vote on one side and all of a sudden a majority isn’t happy because they agree the guy who won is a bad idea.  Tough, wait a year, and while you’re at it, learn some electioneering.  You know what?  After a year, the squabbling side split by the third party is going to be squabbling again.  Don’t believe me?  I’m going to claim the long, long history of no recalls even over close elections as evidence to support this claim.  You could counter-argue that nobody was paying attention before.  I’ll rest my case on your counter-argument.

What this provision does is give the candidate time to actually serve in office, and protect them from punitive recalls that have more to do with the election than their performance.  It also annoys the hell out of me, because there’s nothing stopping a candidate from doing unquestionably unacceptable thing x on inauguration day and then getting away with it for a year.  On the other hand, there are other ways for dealing with anybody who does unacceptable thing x on inauguration day if leaving them in office for a year is going to be catastrophic.  It’s not like one person has the power to quash protest.  And even if that did happen, there’s protection in separation of powers.  Or, well, there’s a reason I love the whole Bill of Rights and not just the starting bit.  (No, you cannot quarter troops in my house.  I won’t let you!)

So there’s already protection against backlash, punitive recalling that isn’t based on things done while in office.  The second bit I highlighted is even more important.  In order to have a recall, you have to get a signature from a number of electors (that is, people eligible to vote) equal to 25% of the people in the relevant district who voted for governor.  That’s not just for gubernatorial recalls, that’s for any recall.  In other words, the constitutional provision creates a burden that is based on the biggest potential number of voters.  Executive branch elections get the highest voter turn out.  Most people only vote for president, with the other executive offices generally also enjoying privileged status.  They’re just sexier to voters, and always have been.  So if I want to recall my state senator, it doesn’t matter if me and my two crotchety neighbors up the street are the only ones who voted for him; if my entire district turned out to vote for governor, I need 25% of my entire district to help me overrule my two crotchety neighbors.

Now, I could file for a recall and start collecting signatures, but do you have any idea what the return on investment is for canvassing?  It’s crap.  We got a million signatures for the Walker recall, not because we went door to door or called a tons of people, but because if you were standing on a street corner with a clipboard and a “Sign here” sign, traffic would stop to come to you.  That.  Doesn’t.  Happen.  Especially not in the absence of something that really pisses off a ton of people.  I would suggest that any list of acceptable reasons for a recall that does not include something which can motivate people to that degree is a terminally flawed list.

The current design of the recall provision in the Wisconsin constitution is actually a really great piece of law.  It does exactly what I think any law should do.  It’s clear, specific, and designed so that it maximizes desired outcomes in a fashion both flexible and portable to changing conditions.  Standards for what unacceptable behavior by an elected official change.  By not citing them directly, but instead creating a burden that functionally requires a violation of those standards, the law is automatically self-updating.  It gets my highly desired seal of approval.

And even if this proposed amendment had been part of the constitution a year ago, I’d probably get my recall anyway.  Scott Walker likes making things easy for me just that much.


Almost exactly ten months ago, I put up a list of goals I had for the whole protest/recall/Wisconsin is screwed movement.

The budget got passed, so I missed the first goal.  We got six recall elections but didn’t win all of them, so I vaguely missed that goal, too.  There are several things I could point at as potential Anti-Tea Party things, so I’ll call that goal in progress with likely success.  The fight access to the capitol continues, and there’s a whole clutch of people who make a point of waging it, so I have definitely nailed the last goal.

Which leaves us with the second goal; getting rid of Scott Walker.  (Public flogging on the square is still acceptable to me)  The project to recall the governor has changed my plans, everything from when/where I go on vacation to which jobs I’m willing to take.  And bitches, I’m winning that fight.  Over one million signatures when just over half that were required.

You’ll hear stories about fake names, duplicate signatures, and that they’re all from the deluded hippie land that is Dane county.  These stories are not true.  There are going to be lawsuits, and primaries and Republicans screaming about out of state paid workers and out of state money while they’re fundraising in Texas, and at the end of the day what matters is this: One.  Million.  Signatures.

Maybe instead of bookshelves, my next carpentry project could be a stockade.

Who is Rebecca Kleefisch?

I’ve been telling people for months that there was no doubt there would be a recall election for the Governor of Wisconsin, that the number of signatures needed was trivial next to the swathes of people irritated, dismayed, or pissed off by Walker’s agenda and political style.  For those of you who thought I’d developed an uncharacteristic streak of optimism or naivete, well, one of us was wrong and it wasn’t me.  I suppose it’s possible that we won’t manage to get as many signatures in the next six weeks as we did in the last two, but color me skeptical.

That said, one of the things people on the ground have been noticing is a reluctance by some people to sign the second recall petition, the one for Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. And honestly, the number of people who just blindly sign the petition for her because I tell them to squicks me out.  I mean, yes, I am a reliable authority, the final arbiter of morality and justice, and deeply knowledgeable and right about everything, but that doesn’t mean you should just take my word for it and remove somebody for office.  I have more respect for the people who say, “I don’t know anything about her, no thanks.”  And utter contempt for the people who say that, then don’t go learn anything.

Dudes, Kleefisch is at least as scary as Walker.  Here, let me show you how.  And then you can go ahead and sign that petition and I won’t judge you for it, ‘kay?

Let’s start with a source that will be, I suspect uncontroversial: hers.  We’ll set aside petty commentary about how she has the same creepy, toothed smile in every photo and move on to actual content.  As of this writing, the top two articles on the website are a report about Wisconsin leading in manufacturing jobs, and another article touting how Wisconsin has swiped 111 jobs from Mexico.  We’re open for business y’all, ain’t it grand?  I’m particularly amused by the second article, what with the juicy implications that we’re getting good American jobs back from those Mexicans.  It’s a shame this is hollow propaganda.  So she gets points for well targeted rhetoric, which I can always respect, but loses them for being just a teeny bit out of touch with reality in a really obvious way.

The next two articles are, in my opinion, much more fun.  The first talks about how she’s returning to her Tea Party roots.  I’m glad this wasn’t the first article because so many people would have considered that damning enough and nobody would have read on about the Mexico rhetoric.  There’s a great picture of her (I think?) with the Gadsden flag, which I still love, and will remain eternally bitter over its appropriation.  I suspect her constituents get the same happy thrill, without the dirty self-loathing chaser.

The next article is about the summer recall elections.  There’s nothing original there except the headline, “Media Agrees: Summer Elections Endorse Walker.”  Then three quotes from three different news organizations.  Not any direct shenanigans going on in that article, but I feel obligated to point out that while I can bitch extensively about the summer recalls, the Republicans outspent the Dems by a significant margin, yet the Dems won more of those elections than they lost.  And the Republicans are frantically fundraising because they spent their war chest for the presidential campaign last summer.  (Or, at least the ones who feel entitled to my wallet are)  Were the summer recalls embarrassing?  Yes.  A defeat?  Er, not really.  I’d call it a draw.

The rest of her webpage is boring.  Lots of Tea Party key words, no content.  You have plenty of links if you want to poke at it yourself.  Let’s move on.

May I take a moment to express my appreciation for the AV Club?  I think I can.  Also, bitch snarked at my train.  My gut reaction to people snarking at my train is the best argument against conceal carry out there.  That said, conceal carry and the castle doctrine have to be the two things they’ve done they don’t piss me off.  But leave my train alone.

It gets a little bit touched on in the campaign ads linked to by the AV Club, but here’s the thing you all probably have heard about from Rebecca Kleefisch: Same-sex marriage is a slippery slope to dog marriage.  Way back in the day a similar rant from a similar politician knocked me off my “Government should get out of marriage” stance and into enthusiastic support for gay marriage.  His slippery slope argument was that after liberating teh gays we’d slide into permitting plural marriage.  Can I bring sleds to this slope?  Also, I like the ribbons on this hand basket.

And, finally, I leave you with her PolitiFact file.  She gets up to half-truth, and that’s as far as she goes.  Oops.  Well, now you know.  And now you can see why keeping her from sneaking into office behind Walker might be a really, really good idea.